Monday, August 6, 2012

Days 4 & 5- 8/5/2012 & 8/6/2012

Well Sunday the 4th was a total bust- I didn't do anything!  I mean it, I truly sat around all day long watching tv and reading. So didn't think that deserved its own post.

I did make a yummy and fairly healthy dinner...

and here is the link to the actual recipe.

So Monday was actually a productive day. I had to go get a filling, which is like my 4th one in life, so that kinda sucked. But the rest of the day was taken up with laundry, some grocery shopping (discovered Aldi and how much I could be saving on my grocery bill!), revamped my resume, applied for a great job at Sprint, and topped off the evening with a Jazzercise class. Yep, I jazz-hands and grapevine with the best of 'em. Don't knock it- that hour long class results in approximately 450 calories being burned.

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